An "oldie" just popping in to say Hi!

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An "oldie" just popping in to say Hi!

Post by MelB »

It's been a long time since I last popped by.

We have Cindy (Blufawn Cinnamon) who will be 12 next month. Some may remember she was born with severe hip dysplasia (scored 75) & had arthritis by 18 months. Well, she's still going, still nutty and still runs about the garden as if she's a puppy. She loves her walks but gets a bit stiff after. Doesn't jump up on the bed as often and sometimes asks for a "lift" up the stairs to bed at night but flies up them most other times (when she's not in stealth mode, searching for empty loo roll tubes :lol: ).

Given her advancing years we're starting to think about the inevitable although, hopefully, quite a way in the future yet. Wondering who is breeding (to good, healthy standards) and how much the breed has changed over 12 years.

Generally, popping in to say "Hi"

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Re: An "oldie" just popping in to say Hi!

Post by Sylvaen »

Heya! Long time, no see! I'm glad to hear Cindy is still going well, even after all these years. A few of us "oldies" are still around, but a lot of breeders/owners disappeared over the years (or moved over to the Facebook groups instead). I haven't been keeping up with the forum much lately, since we have a lot of ongoing construction work at our new property and not much freetime, but I stop by to check in now and then... a few of the older breeders are still breeding, and the breed is still going strong overall with quite a few new/upcoming breeders as well. :)
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Re: An "oldie" just popping in to say Hi!

Post by MelB »

@Sylvaen I tried sending a pm ages ago but it wouldn't work so replying here.

Since my original message Cindy was diagnosed with right side anal gland cancer at a routine health check appointment (a week after her 12th birthday). An ovarian cancer was also found (despite being spayed many years ago!!!). Both tumors and some suspect lymph glands were successfully removed.

6 months later at her recheck appointment further lymph nodes looked suspect. A few weeks later, under anaesthetic to remove the nodes, another anal check found left side anal gland cancer. Apparently it's incredibly rare for both sides to be affected so it suggested a more aggressive progression. A further scan showed tumors had spread to her lungs and it was deemed inoperable.

Cindy was put on oral chemotherapy and I'm pleased to say that 9 months on she's still going strong, the tumors have been kept in check with no increase of size detected.

At almost 13.5 years old Cindy's obviously slower than she used to be but monthly Librella jabs keep her mobile and she still loves her walks. We're just enjoying the extra time we've been given with her.
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Re: An "oldie" just popping in to say Hi!

Post by Sylvaen »

Oh wow, I'm so sorry to hear about the cancer diagnoses... but it's wonderful that chemotherapy worked for her and that she's still going strong at 13.5 years old. Hopefully she still has a lot of life left in her yet and even with her advanced age/slowing down, it still sounds like she's living her life to the fullest.
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