Cindy (Blufawn Cinnamon)

A place to remember our loved ones who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
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Tamific (Novice)
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Cindy (Blufawn Cinnamon)

Post by MelB »

Cindy left us suddenly on Monday 4th December. Aged 13yrs, 6 months & 10 days. The last (?) of the herbs & spices litter.

We are totally devastated. Despite having anal gland cancer for 18 months the chemo was working really well and she was still enjoying life & walks so it's come as a complete shock.

She went into the garden seeming normal, came back in 30 minutes later shivering with laboured breathing. Rushed her to the emergency vet who decided she must have slipped in the garden & hurt her back so this was a pain response. After giving some meds he sent us home with an appointment for late afternoon the next day.

The next morning (11hrs later) there was no improvement so we took her back. This time a different vet's (correct) diagnosis was aspiration pneumonia & potential sepsis. Cindy was admitted for treatment.

After 4hrs the vets called to say Cindy had improved but remained critical. 10 minutes later they called again, Cindy had had a cardiac arrest.

The house feels so empty & quiet - not that Cindy ever made much noise - she'd "talk" to ask for her meals or to go to the toilet but she didn't really bark. She seemed to think she could use telepathy instead just by staring intently (it seemed to work though!) or by licking an elbow to get me out of bed. She was clever & loved learning new tricks - she even learned how to swim this summer despite having no swimming instinct through her early years of hydrotherapy! She was quirky - her most cherished toys got hidden/buried rather than ripped apart (reindeer still lives under Cindy's spot on the sofa). Cindy loved a pillow, I've never seen another dog purposely flop down a cushion to use as a pillow, although on our bed she never tried to put her head on our pillows.

Christmas will be particularly hard. Cindy loved Christmas, she'd get excited from the moment the wreath went on the door, then when the tree went up and again when presents finally appeared on Christmas eve (after her daily checks). She knew there'd always be some for her & she loved helping us unwrap ours as well.

Life won't be the same without her but we have so many happy memories.

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Re: Cindy (Blufawn Cinnamon)

Post by Sylvaen »

I'm so sorry for your loss. Cindy was a wonderful girl, and she had a great life with you... even though it was very sudden and unexpected, she received the best possible care/treatment. Although she passed away, she will leave behind many special memories. <3
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Tamific (Novice)
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Re: Cindy (Blufawn Cinnamon)

Post by MelB »

Thank you, Sylvaen, for your kind words. x
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