Yes I always try to say that to people when (again) I have offended them lol. When you really get to know us personally, we are very nice! But online, like forums and stuff, well we just say what we think and that's not always nice... we really don't mean to hurt people by that. It's just part of our culture I guess, so others (especially Americans) seem to think we are very rude people.chelle784 wrote:Having lived in The Netherlands for 3 years when I was younder and having a Dutch best friend now I would say the Dutch are probably the nicest people anyone could ever meet (Opinion shared by my husband who has dutch friends and my mother who also lived in the Netherlands).Rahne wrote:Umm I can understand why you feel it's rude but it's not meant to be... Dutch people are very direct, they like to give their opinion (whether or not it is asked for or wanted) and not twist around to make it look prettier. I guess it's a good thing you can't read Dutch because our 'own' Dog Forums are like war zones, very heated! Please don't take it too personal, you have a nice dog and that's all that matters right
Now I will zip my mouth because you are probably not looking for discussion about early neutering
Rahne you are also right - I shouldn't take it personally but it is hard too especially if those sort of comments happen every time I put a new photo up and then builds up if that makes sense.
But I understand why you are upset about some comments. I personally try my best to think twice (or more) before I post a comment that might come across rude, while it's not meant to be. Anyways, just wanted you to know that those comments are really not meant to hurt your feelings!